
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Tides of the Dark Crystal

I practically flew through Tides of the Dark Crystal, the third book in J.M. Lee's Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance series. This time around we're following Amri, a Grottan Gelfling who joined Naia and Kylan in the second book. Amri is excited to see the daylighter world, though he is not sure of himself and his place within it. 

The group's adventures take them on a whirlwind tour of the land. Arriving on Ha'rar's doorstep, Tavra instructed them to meet with a Sifa Far-Dreamer, Onica, first so they could get the lay of the land.  While consulting with her, they discovered that Rian was nearby and needed their help - he was caught by the Skeksis! Naia, Amri, and Tavra succeed in saving him. In the middle of their rescue, Aughra created a dream space and tasked Naia and company with lighting the seven flames of Gelfling rebellion; Rian was given another task, and so he went his own way once again.

Naia, Kylan, Amri, Tavra, and Onica make their way first to where the Sifa are gathering, then to the Crystal Sea for the Dousa before ultimately making their way back to Ha'rar after they discover the Vapra fire wasn't lit as promised. There they need to find a way to inspire the Vapra after their leader, the All-Maudra Mayrin, was killed and the new All-Maudra, Tavra's sister, bends the knee to the Skeksis and dooms all the Gelfling to servitude and worse.

I didn't like Tides of the Dark Crystal as much as Song of the Dark Crystal. For one thing, it felt like our Gelfling heroes got around to the three clans really easily and conveniently, and succeeded really quickly with everyone. Everything felt a little too convenient. Yes, some of the things they had to do were difficult. But they kind of just succeeded immediately everytime - there never seemed to be any real setbacks.

The other issue was Amri. I liked him as a character, but a lot of his story felt like it was treading the same spaces Kylan's did - he felt like he didn't belong and was struggling to find his place in both the group and the more larger world around him. 

That being said, the ending was still pretty crazy, and Tides of the Dark Crysal left me wanting more; I can't wait to see how the whole story ends in the final book!

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