
Monday, May 22, 2017

You Have 4 Minutes to Change Your Life: Simple 4-Minute Meditations for Inspiration, Transformation, and True Bliss

I've been interested in meditation for a few months now.  I went looking for a local class, but nothing I could find seemed to be at a good time for me.  Then I saw an interview with the author of Unplug: A Simple Guide to Meditation for Busy Skeptics and Modern Soul Seekers.  While researching that book (I was hoping to get it from my local library, but it wasn't available), I stumbled on Rebekah Borucki's You Have 4 Minutes to Change Your Life.  It was rated better, AND it was available for free through Hoopla, the library streaming service.  Sounded like a win to me.

Now full disclosure: I didn't actually try most of the meditations.  Borucki includes 27 guided meditations.  I tried 2 so far. So even though I finished the book, I would not say I have a meditation practice at this point in time. But that's okay.  I'd say I'm on my way to getting one.  Especially since I bought a physical copy of the book for myself.  I really liked how Borucki approached meditation.  Anyone can fit in a few minutes in their day for a bit of self-reflection and calm.  She also shows you how meditation helped her in her life; it's very easy to see how it can help you in yours from her examples.  Some of the later chapters may be a bit of a turn-off to people who aren't overly religious (she talks a lot about divine purpose, etc), but I honestly think that even with this, you will still be able to get the basics of meditation; don't forget, meditation is all about trying to calm your mind and listen to your inner wisdom.  You don't need to believe in a higher power to enjoy these benefits.  So if you're interested in learning about meditation, I think this is a fabulous book to start with.

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